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Isn’t it crazy how the most important five things in earth doesn’t cost us a dime and gives us so much life and happiness but everything that is man made taken from earth cost us money, depression, greed, stress, lust, violence and ect. Well please let me explain my reasoning! Now I’m not saying that it doesn’t present some good but it’s these present things in life that if you only had that, not only would not be happy but life would be gone. People ask or surprised how happy, grateful, compassionate, determine and no I am thinking I’m not rich and no I don’t make six figures at all. You know why? Because the most important things I need in life doesn’t charge me a dime for what it gives so I ask you why aren’t becoming this way if you aren’t already? Things that gives us life and happiness and doesn’t judge us for any of our faults, what are they you say?

Trees- Gives us oxygen, clean air, produces food, shelter, heat, shade and food for animals and insects.

Land- Gives us and all living things structure, adventure, food, shelter, dreams, memories.

Water- Gives all us life, cool us down, adventure, memories, sites, plants, mammals

Sun- Gives all of us life, heat, happiness, food, belief, energy and entertainment

Animals-food, action over words, friendship, compassion, eco-system, protection, meaning

All these were lost at one point in life and you suffer then any man made things because those are luxuries and those those never give you peace. We still kill ourselves for this non existent man made things which is crazy because within 30-90 days you will still be alive, feed, entertained, friendship and love. So ask yourself why? Because the writer means nothing without the listener because action is needed on both sides. Why aren’t we doing what we are capable for earth and beating ourselves into the ground for something that wouldn’t be in history without these five things. I promise if you realize what these five do for you so much more you won’t kill urself for things that’s will never give peace because you will never have freedom that earth gives. Love you all Life is Life❤️❤️🌲🌷🍂🪵🌼🌈

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My favorite design is the Life is Life Clothing Brand logo!!! Why you Say? Because it represents everything on earth that we need as living things on earth! Isn’t it crazy the main things talked about and what we need on earth isn’t what we need to survive? That’s why this design was created! All things created not because of humans but evolved us as well. The trees which provide clean oxygen, shelter, warmth, beauty, tools for all. The sun that provides warmth, beauty, energy, life in everything possible. The water which gives life to all living things, energy, entertainment for all. . The land which gives all of us homes, nature, infrastructure, money, education and entertainment for all. The stars that gives faithfulness, happiness, peace, beauty, belonging and knowledge for all. Just imagine if we put these things first in our hearts and just see your happiness and peace obtained.

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When I started my new journey after going through a traumatic car accident and it was actually the best day of my life. It’s one of many reasons why I am who I am and to embrace creating new way of thinking not only for me but others souls. Life is Life means life is what you make it and no one else, no matter how tough the road is you always hold the keys to the ignition. Always remember never stress what you can’t control as a whole and what you can control as an individual you shouldn’t stress because you hold every move.

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